This was a graduate student project for my Capstone Experience which means its a real life project.  I  created a SDL (self-directed learning) course for Einstein Healthcare Network employees who will eventually be trained to use the new content management system to manage the website.  I decided to create an asynchronous online training class for the CareWorks CMS which is a software product of Care Tech Solutions.  When one creates online training for a process such as adding a news article to a CMS, the best practice is to display the written steps with graphics, display a demonstration video, and then allow users to practice adding a news article for themselves.
This training unit was created using Articulate Storyline 2.  It contains illustrated characters, animation, screen capture videos, audio, quiz questions (multiple choice, drag-n-drop, and true & false).  The CareWorks CMS training unit works successfully on mobile, HTML and HTML5.  If you wish to view the course on a mobile phone, please download the Android Articulate Mobile Player app from Google Play or the IPhone version on ITunes.  The course also works on both Google Chrome, Internet Explorer 11, and Apple Safari.  The Safari browser has been optimized to run a Storyline 2 course for the Ipad.